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Is RNZ not available from outside New Zealand?

It is (for non Kiwis here, it’s roughly the local equivalent of the BBC)

No idea. In this case I posted the link for those who, like me, dislike distracting multimedia tricks in what ought to be a straightforwardly scrollable news article.

Gratuitous multimedia tricks. Here is a text-only version. Links to images in all available sizes are provided.

    curl https://rnz.shorthandstories.com/yoghurt-mafia/embed.js \
    |sed 's/<em>//g;s/<\/em>//g'|tr -cd '[ -~]'|grep -Eo '(<p c.{10}[^>]*>)|(https://[^ ]*.jpeg)' \
    |uniq|sed '/^https.*jpeg$/s/.*/<li><a href=&>&<\/a><\/li>/g' >1.htm;
    firefox ./1.htm

May I suggest a temp file? (and the other change is for a Mac)

  tmp=$(mktemp).htm; curl https://rnz.shorthandstories.com/yoghurt-mafia/embed.js \
    | sed 's/<em>//g;s/<\/em>//g'| tr -cd '[ -~]'|grep -Eo '(<p c.{10}[^>]*>)|(https://[^ ]*.jpeg)' \
    | uniq | sed '/^https.*jpeg$/s/.*/<li><a href=&>&<\/a><\/li>/g' > $tmp;
    open -a Firefox $tmp

I think I once got 'advised' to not post 'cold' links without a description, and also a reason. (And yes, at home, I safely clicked.

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