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Papadopoulos fucked up and lied to the FBI which by itself is a felony. That’s all he got caught up in, because nothing else he did was illegal. Manafort was arrested for unrelated financial crimes in an attempt to get him to cooperate in their investigation, which apparently led them nowhere. That’s not much of evidence of anything. Then yes there were indictments of some Russian nationals & organizations, most of which were quickly dropped bc it was just political theater. The stuff that wasn’t was really just unsubstantiated allegations that GRU was responsible for hacking the DNC.

But now, let’s look at what was done with the Steele Dossier before the election was even over. That was itself based largely on “Russian disinformation” and was used to obtain a FISA warrant and spy on the Trump campaign. It was obviously a garbage document from day 1, but they used it to “legally” spy on their political opponents anyways. That is imo far worse than anything that happened between Trump & Russia.

For the record I’m not a Trump supporter either and I am generally left leaning, but it’s clear to me that media & intelligence agencies really cannot be trusted as a result of the blatant lies they have pushed over the last few years. Just because I want universal healthcare etc doesn’t mean I need to repeat “2 + 2 = 5” because some jerk off on TV told me to.

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