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a simpler explanation would be that many people simply don't care that much about the Assange case at the moment, and this is just a development or such, nothing conclusive. were the case to be completely dropped in court due to this, I think it would make the news.

Isn't that arguing that MSM report what people want to know as opposed to people knowing what the MSM report? It's hard to know about something MSM doesn't report.

> Isn't that arguing that MSM report what people want to know as opposed to people knowing what the MSM report?

What's particularly interesting about the Assange case at this point? He's a guy in an extradition hearing, probably like thousands of others. If the end result is the extradition is rejected because of this detail, then it will more than likely be reported as part of that larger story.

Assange has a small but vocal fan base, but fans don't make the minutiae of these court proceedings interesting or relevant to non-fans.

I'd add that if and when Assange is actually extradited to the US, that will be news.

And if and when Assange goes on trial in a US Federal court, that will be covered ad inifinitum, ad nauseam by the US press.

That doesn't answer nor discuss anything in my comment.

Also he testified to one thing, waited for the case to be closed, then said something else to the media. His media statements could easily be self serving (I have no idea what his motivations are) as they are not under oath they have no bearing on the case. The case which was already adjudicated in Assange's favor. It's entirely moot.

Nobody cared until the media made them care in the first place, to build anti-Wikileaks and anti-Assange sentiment. Awful convenient that they stop talking about him the moment there’s concrete evidence that the whole thing was a setup.

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