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The problem with organizational metastization is that it optimizes towards the organizational and regulatory structure, vs the organization's original intent.

E.g. Directors become whoever is most capable of winning and holding a directorship. Donations funnel to whatever solicits more donations.

Texas style regular tear-downs, or at least periodic reauthorizations, aren't the worst solution.

IMHO useful thoughts:

Pournelle's Iron law of bureaucracy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerry_Pournelle#Pournelle.27s_...

Buffet's institutional imperative: https://www.berkshirehathaway.com/letters/1989.html

Ousterhout's most important component of evolution: https://web.stanford.edu/~ouster/cgi-bin/sayings.php

Leopold Kohr and Bertrand de Jouvenel had more detailed pertinent observations and thoughts.

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