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I am guessing you then ask for a paper menu and they give you one. You can probably just do that even if you don't have any issues. I've done that a few times when the online menu was annoying.

Not true at all!

Many bars (that now call themselves "tap houses") have beer menus that are either only online, or printed in a 20pt font on a 54" LCD TV behind the bar.

It is super annoying to have to get up for each beer because the server doesn't know what #32 out of 70 is let alone which number is a lager, and then not be able to read the menu (because my eyes suck) until I'm leaning over the bar.

Super, super annoying.

That does suck

With two competing channels, we won't have to wait long until one becomes an afterthought. I personally hope that QR codes (or whatever requires to use a smartphone) will be the one going the way of the dodo.

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