By that qualification, the Autobahn has a speed limit too: the limit of how fast land vehicles can move.
The analogy of the blog holds. Infinity only happens in calculus, so why bother poo-pooing a helpful metaphor?
Like a good vision statement in a business plan that calls for a direction without bothering with a specific magnitude, "There is no speed limit" calls the reader to question limitations as a matter of directing their imagination to the problem of expectation as opposed the conventional expectation.
Technically speaking, every stretch of road ever built has an inherent speed limit. Design speed dictates design parameters such as length of sight lines and radius of curves; exceed it too much and you will meet the real limit even if your vehicle has plenty of power left.
For any given vehicle, the design of the highway given the design of the vehicle will impose a speed limit, which may be lower than the limit of how fast land vehicles can move, and may be lower than how fast the particular vehicle can move.
The analogy does hold for the purposes of a fluffy motivational blog post, of course.
The analogy of the blog holds. Infinity only happens in calculus, so why bother poo-pooing a helpful metaphor?
Like a good vision statement in a business plan that calls for a direction without bothering with a specific magnitude, "There is no speed limit" calls the reader to question limitations as a matter of directing their imagination to the problem of expectation as opposed the conventional expectation.
Dream onward...