The vote was on the UN resolution that reaffirms territorial integrity of Ukraine, thereby rejecting Russian jurisdiction over Crimea. The resolution was proposed by Canada, Ukraine (naturally) and others, and 100 countries voted in favor. What am I missing?
Status quo as it stands is Ukraine de jure in control of Crimea, and Russia de facto unlawfully occupying it.
Voting against the resolution was an option. Presumably that means a country doesn’t necessarily believe Ukraine deserves to remain in control of this part of its territory. Zimbabwe and Belarus, among a few others, have voted against. China is the most prominent country among the few who abstained. The rest voted for Crimea being part of Ukraine.
International law is a stupid and weak thing. Yes, the case for Ukraine controlling Crimea de jure is strong. But at the same time self-determination exists, and no one seriously contests that the majority of Crimeans would rather belong to Russia.
It's not as cut and clear de jure as it may seem, international law almost never is.
Russia does not de facto "unlawfully" occupy it, because law is not a matter of fact. It's not even under occupation anymore, it's almost entirely annexed now.