It’s in the action sidebar (like You can type some information into a new draft, then run the “Append to Today’s Journal” action. It’ll find (or create) a new draft with a name like “Journal for 2021-06-26” and append the next of your current draft onto it.
At the end of the day, go to today’s “Journal for …” draft (or run the “Go to Today’s Journal” action to jump straight to it). Then run “Process journal actions” and it’ll process each line of today’s journal draft, then archive the draft.
Each of those actions has a keyboard shortcut so you can run them pretty quickly if you have an external keyboard.
Edit: Actually your reward also includes a bug report. Go to journal and append to journal work perfectly. However, process isn’t creating any tasks in omnifocus. I’ll test the other actions.
Format is:
* Do laundry
Ok, fantastical worked. Drafts opened fantastical. It did not ask to open omnifocus.
Oh, got it, thanks! I had to click manage in actions then enable your set, now it shows easily and the actions are straightforward.
It’s very hard to tell whether this will be a thing I fiddle with for a couple days and then set aside, or if it changes everything. But this has definite potential to be one of those things that changes everything. (My notes are a mess of notes and todos and never knew how to process well.)
Thanks for making this and for writing up the comments about it!
As your reward you get a feature request haha. If you’re ever adding to this, I would love Reminders support.
Look for a draft called “Quick Journaling settings”. Edit the line “* OmniFocus” to say “* Reminders”. That should make it create reminders instead of OF actions.
I wrote this to mirror my own personal workflow, so I admit that it’s not for everyone. I love how frictionless it made recording everything I needed to record, though. “At the dentist.”, then cmd-opt-A (for “Add”) records that I’m at the dentist. “* Call Joe.”, then cmd-opt-A will remind me to call Joe later.
Oh, if you want to keep (or throw away) the daily journal draft, edit the “Process journal items” action and change the “after success” action.
Edit: After taking a year and a half off from that action group while I scribbled stuff in notebooks, I’m about out of paper and will be resuming development on it very shortly.
And then once you run it, you archive that day’s notes and start a new one for the next day?
I imported it and m currently trying to find where you run custom actions in ios Drafts.