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'This is a food bank now': Workers seized a McDonald's in France (washingtonpost.com)
41 points by bookofjoe on June 25, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 77 comments

I don't understand why this is being praised. If we all start ignoring property rights and other laws that are govern us, we will be living in anarchy. We really have not evolved to some utopia-level, Federation (from star-trek)-like way of behaving with each other. Laws exist for a reason.

Seeing the golden arches on the roof is some bizarre statement. The volunteer patiently explaining this is after McDonalds??? WTF? This is not how trademarks work.

It was not clear but seems the city is involved in this crap? Does that mean residents can stop paying taxes if they are vegan and the mayor was spotted eating a burger? (replace by some other belief system and repeat)

Again, is this being praised? Am I missing something?

Shockingly, when people don't have food, none of this trademark and property talk matters. Who would have thought.

Yeah right, as if anyone in France would have to starve...

France is not an utopia. There are around 300k homeless people and it's increased since the pandemic hit.

wow. that is a large number. no wonder anarchic behaviour like this is rife over there.

10m people are legally living under poverty threshold in France. Migrants have it especially bad

"In December 2019, the McDonalds was on the verge of shuttering when the emplyees took the keys and occupied it".

So that McDonalds would have closed anyway, might as well do something useful with it instead of leaving the property to rot.

Closing a corporate store != property to rot.


The manager doused themselves with petrol and demanded their livelihood and that of 77 other employees be guaranteed. So this is a more complicated situation.

Hmm, so McDonalds headquarters decided to close the location because government funding ran out, but the locals, the employees and even their manager decided for themselves to not accept that decision and instead carry on without McDonalds for the benefit of the community.

Sounds like a good decision to me, why take shit from a global company thousands of miles away?

Because McDonalds is a franchise business and most locations are owned by a local owner. McDonalds provides the branding and frozen food/formulaes for some profit sharing.

But hey, feel free to have a french revolution part deux.

Read the Vice article, that says that the local manager himself lead the "revolution" when "McDonalds" decided to close the restaurant. The more details emerge, the less revolting the whole thing sounds. McDonalds closed one of their locations, manager and employees said "fine, then we'll take over for you", the French way.

Store managers are employees, the location is more than likely owned by a french person or business.

Well from news reports, we can't really tell who made the decision to close down. "McDonald" can be either the franchise owner, McDonalds france - both french locals.

My impression of what is being prised is improving access to food for poor people.

Maybe the Mayor thinks this is effective at that end and by paying to McDonald's they can normalize their situation and help improve access to food to poor people. Seems that so far they didn't do a very good job if they have to rely on a nonprofit.

French intellectuals have a long history in this:


And honestly, they do have a point, to some extent.

> I don't understand why this is being praised. If we all start ignoring property rights and other laws that are govern us, we will be living in anarchy.

It's more complicated than that. You can land in a dystopia by ignoring property rights and you can land in one by respecting them too much.

That's especially true with property rights, because people with a lot of property [1] often selfishly see them as the most scared thing ever.

[1] or who fantasize about someday having a lot

You could say the kickstart of USA was the illegal action of not paying taxes :)

You say that like anarchy is a bad thing.

There is an easy argument to this.

What happens when someone brings the anarchy to you? Remember, anarchy doesn't care who or what you are. You just are, and you are there for the taking.

People dont like anarchy when it's brought onto them. It's all fun and games when you're the anarchist, but it's a two way street.

Just on a basic level, the way you're using that word makes no grammatical sense.

It works if you're using it as another word for 'chaos', but setting up a food bank is not exactly chaotic behaviour. Seems very sensible, pedestrian sort of stuff to me.

Take a look at the comment I was replying to. It says: "You say that like anarchy is a bad thing."

And yes, anarchy is chaos, just intellectualized.

Pretty much every anarchist I know proposes highly organized societies, far from chaos. Just organized differently than what people are used to.

I wouldn’t necessarily mind, anarchism, or libertarian socialism to use a less loaded term, being brought to my neighborhood. My issues are not with the basic ideas but the concrete implementations.

Anarchy, noun, a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.

Do not fucking piss in my pocket and tell me it's raining that anarchists want highly organized structures.

You wouldn't mind this you say? Because you imagine you get to do whatever you want. Let's see, in the real world, that applies to everyone. They get to do to you, how they want, without a shred of potential consequence. In a world with various methods of attempting order through consequences enacted by governing bodies, people still do very bad things to other people. No governing body on a wide scale, by your logic, must lead to pure peace and unity. Because it's the fact governments exist that mayhem exists. I already know you have zero time spent in a history book. Any idiot who spends some amount of time reading about any culture, of any time period, notices how it's the implementation of rules and proper consequences is when peace starts to manifest. Along with evenness of implementation. We can obviously argue how severe consequences should be and what rules should exist. That's always a healthy debate to have especially as economies, tech and cultures evolve. For example, certain maritime trading laws need severe, severe, severe updating since the landscape is extremely different these days compared to when they were written literally 150 plus years ago. But to piss and moan that we should just burn it all to the ground because a loser professor tells kids they wont amount to anything because of "the system"... yea, whatever.

That and while I do heavily disagree with lots of libertarians, they're about the most extreme minimal amount of government. They're more in favor of zero economic intervention and policy. Practicing libertarians normally have the go that what I do at home is free reign, but there should be a set of rules when it comes to "public interactions". Again though, they want it super minimal. Not non-existent. Dont mix them in with a bunch of teens with weaponized angst. Anarchy is a collective, "sounds like a whole lot of not my problem".

Maybe spend some time reading up on it. Libertarian socialism is the umbrella term for different anarchist schools of thoughts, it's not something I came up with. And spoiler alert, there is no one single "anarchism". So if you want to criticize it, be more precise. The US brand of "libertarianism" has very little to do with the origins of the term, they came late to the party.


Also, since you seem interested in history, here are two books, that portray the communities, without them being overly dogmatic:

- Anarchy’s Brief Summer THE LIFE AND DEATH OF BUENAVENTURA DURRUTI, Hans Magnus Enzensberger

- Beer and Revolution The German Anarchist Movement in New York City, 1880-1914, Tom Goyens

> You wouldn't mind this you say? Because you imagine you get to do whatever you want.

Absolutely not. I imagine the most direct forms of democracy and ditch the representatives if they don't represent. So unlike pretty much all nations, actually taking democracy seriously and seeing it trough to all its consequences. Very different thing.

What authorities govern conduct in black markets?

Spoiler: Profit/pursuit of happiness, Common interest, self-preservation

You're very fiery, but you're really ignorant about anarchism. The largest anarchist movement (historically) was the spanish one, with millions of members, and they were obsessed with procedure. Most anarchist movements are like this, because you need a lot of procedure to make consensus decision making function.

Also, libertarianism isn't historically connected with anarchism.

> I already know you have zero time spent in a history book.


>What happens when someone brings the anarchy to you?

is not how that word works in english.

>And yes, anarchy is chaos, just intellectualized.

is not what that word means in english.

For the vast majority of people, "anarchy" does mean "Mad Max style chaos". You probably need to explicitly mention that you mean the specific political ideology if you are speaking to people that aren't really familiar with left-wing thought.

Move West, OR settle in the hills, OR have bigger guns OR be able to run faster, etc.

Humans have dealt with these issues forever.

Yes, why would you want law and order when you can just run into the hills?

Some people are fed up with capitalism and playing (losing) by the rules.

> It was not clear but seems the city is involved in this crap?

Feeding the poor, especially in times of crisis like covid. Don't you see the appeal ? really ?

It's funny to see people feeding the poor, for free, during a crisis, and people like you complaining about things like "this is not how trademarks work", it really gives you a good idea of how some people are viewing the world.

I saw you got downvoted and upvoted you as I'd like to understand your point of view.

McDonalds isn't a faceless corporation. There is some chance it was owned by a franchisor. These people work really hard to put a downpayment on a restaurant. Would you be okay if this was indeed owned by a franchisor who then lost everything they had? This is equivalent to rioters destroying someone's business?

Lets say this was a corporate store. Does that make it okay to unlawfully acquire/squat on their property? Are you okay with the spate of shoplifting going on at drugstores in SF? Would you be okay if all corporate stores disappeared tomorrow (or charged you an extra X dollars to deal with loss like this happening ubiquitously)?

To your last point, look, I am not some successful business dude. But I benefit from living in a civilized country (my parents took on a lot of hardship to get my to Canada). I also know a story that seems simple is often complex. Are there really no other places in this town where a foodbank could be built? Clearly some powerful people with agendas are making statements.

The macdonald's filed for bankruptcy in 2019 and was abandoned since then, the ex employees revived it and opened a food bank. The city bought the place and gave it to the people managing the food bank.

People on HN react as if these people forcibly entered the place and violently took the control from a successful hard working business owner.

I see two options:

Either people simply don't understand the situation and side with "hard working business owners" because that's who they identify with. Or they are so disgusted by charity and solidarity (oooo socialism bad) that they prefer a place to be abandoned and useless than serving a greater purpose

It's the govt's failure if the poor are not fed - not McDonalds or the store owner.

Also, McDonalds is a largely franchise business so this store getting taken over probably hurt a french business or investor.

The macdonalds was closed and bought by the city which then gave it to the food bank organization, what's your point ?

Because the mcdonalds was closed by the owners then "taken over" by workers before the govt. decided it's alright and they'll pay for it.

I wouldn't mind the end but how they got to the end is not ideal as is being praised by some other comments here.

Also, not sure how the govt. has funds to buy a mcdonalds location but not feed the poor which got them to this state in the first place - and maybe that's something which needs fixing instead of blaming everything on businesses and corporations.

France's immigration policies (or, outsourcing them to people smugglers) are the fundamental failure here.

Parts of the country now appear indistinguishable from North Africa. As the demographics change, the rule of law and culture that made the country successful will also slip away.

The native French people should absolutely be mad about this. These people were brought in to 'solve the aging crisis', but instead are simply contributing to the burden of the welfare state.

Hell YES! It should be praised. And yes, you are missing a lot. Let me tell what you've missed and why you should praise this too.

Let's talk about property rights first. Property rights are a joke, and a bad one. When people take a property from a big company, other people start yelling about property rights, but when big companies take a property from someone else, these same people says nothing.

Did you know this happens, companies taking people's properties and it's is all legal? Here where I live, a group of families are suing the city because the city wants to take their homes to sell to a big company. The company wants to build a mall, but the owners refused to sell, so the company "asked" for city's help.

These families are poor and they are expending money they don't have to defend their homes because a company wants to build a mall no matters what. Nobody questions these kind of thing. People will just say this is how things work because companies just want more profit and there is nothing to do about it.

Again, nobody makes any question when companies take something from people, but when people take a company's property to feed starved people we start talking about property rights? Really?

Why not talk about people's right to food, shelter, health care, education? Why not talk about companies taking natural resources to make themselves even more rich at expense of people's lives?

Why are we accepting this bullshit "companies can do everything they want but people can do nothing" norm?

Why do people fighting for a better life is wrong while companies destroying the world for profit is right?

Clickbaity title: sounds like they seized operating McDonald's and started giving away big macs. While they just use it's empty building.

Another interesting thing, most clients of this place are of middle eastern origin. France really need to solve the migrant crisis.

Stfu already with your racial shit

So this is what the phone-first web looks like - like shit. Just give me a scrollable article with pictures inserted.

No, not mobile. This is a power point presentation.

Google Search literally covers the first full screen and then some with ads (which are only distinguishable by the "Ad" word in the left corner).

Can't save images can't copy text on many websites.

Mobile Web has learned a few things from Web 2.0, mostly how to have more control over everything.

I was afraid they would give out Big Macs, but they really do offer food.

Exactly. McDonald's doesn't sell food. I call it "doof", which is food backward, plus more meaning, as in this podcast: https://shows.acast.com/leadership-and-the-environment/episo...

Love it.

Weird, i saw a documentary about that years ago. I guess it took a while to get to north america. It was abandoned as i recall.

Text seems to be missing.

I think this is because it's an interactive story and Archive doesn't work with that sort of thing.

Here it is on Google Incognito: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/interactive/2021/mcdona...

Outline doesn't work because it's an interactive story.

This is thuggish behavior condoned by the city government of Marseilles. The occupied McDonald's is not responsible for the economic problems there. Some HN readers seem to approve of this criminality, but a businessperson reading about this would be disinclined to start a new business in Marseilles. Without employers there will be more poverty and hunger.

> a businessperson reading about this would be disinclined to start a new business in Marseilles.

The business people involved had already shut down the McDonald's after the French government stopped subsidizing it. Is the former employees then running a food bank out of the abandoned restaurant an attack on business?

Actually the chain wanted to close shop due to the high number of union members (which McDonald’s never wants), and planned to sell the restaurant to some other asian fast-food chain, getting rid of the employees at the same time.

Not sure that is the kind of businesspeople you want attract, to be honest.

I didn't know there was a different type of business person.

The building was occupied after the business was closed. The equipment seems to be unused by the occupiers and well preserved. If McDonalds plan for the building was abandonment or demolition the illegal occupation seems to have zero negative impact to their business. If the plan was to sell the building, most likely it had a positive impact to their business.

I see no angle where this action could have a moral hazard effect that could prevent future business from investing in that neighborhood

What about respecting private property and law?

The justification for private property is that the market would force it to be used somewhat optimally. Modern financial instruments and zoning regulation have distorted this to the degree that real estate can be extremely irrational for decades and often people just go without many services (such as housing) due to this.

I'm generally pro private property but at least from the perspective of someone living in the US I sometimes question the idea when it comes to real estate in developed areas.

That has to be dealt with. If the city buys the building and reach a fair agreement with McDonalds, I still don’t see risk of moral hazard.

They are just moving fast and breaking things. You don't become rich by respecting the law, either.

thuggish behavior

Ah yes, how dare they help starving people voluntarily, right? /s

And if I come into your kitchen, setup camp and start serving others from there, you would cheer me along?

Did he close and abandon his kitchen?

If you come in to my kitchen that I already abandoned, I wouldn't even know let alone care.

I have a dead car out back, and a other car I value. They are both my property. If you come and try to take the one I actually value even the slightest bit, I will come out and object. If you come and take away my trash, I will not object.

Where are the cops sent by McDonalds to object to this tresspass and theft of their valued property?

Lastly, private property, especially land, is routinely reclaimed by the public from private owners, any time the goverenment decides it needs to. No one ever really owns land. It is all ultimately owned by the state.

> Lastly, private property, especially land, is routinely reclaimed by the public from private owners, any time the goverenment decides it needs to. No one ever really owns land. It is all ultimately owned by the state.

Unless you're from China - The people/govt compensate landowners when the land is needed for a public project.

Braindead Bostonian coming in strong for law, order, and the status quo of capitalism. Of course any right-minded person should approve of workers taking things into their own hands, organizing for themselves, when the system abandons them and leaves them hungry.

Someone read the headline and not the article. :-)

Wow. If this comment is downvoted then... In what kind of loony world are we living?

A world in which people help each other, I know, shocking right ? Solidarity, helping the weakest, providing basic human needs to people, if anything we need more of that.

There isn't anything thuggish about it btw, the business was closed and the mayor chipped in to help the people running the current food bank.

And personally I prefer to see a bit more human decency and a bit less disgusting American shit food resellers like macdonald's. I know Americans don't know a lot about solidarity and are probably the most individualistic country in the west but come one, "thuggish", lmao

One in which false information and judgemental opinions about thing you know nothing about are not rewarded. Seems fine to me.

It is funny that the parent talks about thugs, because the owner actually paid thugs to physically attack and give death threats to the workers at this restaurant who would not obey him.

A world where people read the article before commenting.

ikr, wonder if the responses would differ if any tech employee brings homeless people to cafeteria for that free food.

I like this sentence from the article: "They come without a smile, but they leave with one". I'm loving it.

France charges 5.5% VAT on food. Why not cut a bit from their welfare budget and reduce this to 0%?

Dropping VAT will not necessary reduce food prices.

In 2009 the government reduced the restaurants VAT from 19.5% to 5.5%. Studies found that 30 months later prices had only dropped by 1.9%.


Hmm, this makes me wonder how a US-style sales tax might have compared in the same situation.

5.5% is already quite low. It's usually around 20%.

And that change in 2009 (Sarkozy) has been very controversial from the start, as the restaurant owners were supposed to use the tax break to boost employment but that did not happen (surprise!).


Because there's no way the private enterprises will simply keep prices the same and pocket the difference.

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