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I know some folks who thought they could use JWTs from a traditional LDAP identity vendor (open source Active Directory so you can manage computer login credentials centrally, issue Kerberos tokens, etc.) but they managed to misconfigure their JWTs by following the defaults from the vendor so the JWTs issued were valid forever. When I tried to explain that they couldn’t be revoked without key rotation, I got some very blank looks. I’m not even sure the tokens had an iat (issued at timestamp) though if they did you could use that to at least ignore tokens older than a certain date. They assumed because they deleted the cookie at logout, it wouldn’t matter that the session could be re-used forever. Then they implemented session limits by setting a cookie expiry time. /face-palm

Issuing your own JWTs also means you have to keep the secret or certificate used to sign them secure or if it leaks anyone could impersonate anyone else. This is especially problematic if admin or role assignment is embedded in the JWT.

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