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Yup. I gave up arguing with the posters and even founder of TechDirt about it. They call it 'content moderation' when they agree with it and censorship when they don't, based on whether it's left leaning (Good™) or right leaning (Bad™).

It's so bizarre how the left controls the house, the presidency, academia, the mainstream media for the most part, all of the big tech companies, but complain that the Republicans are the fascists.

We either have free speech, or we have fascism. And it's not the right trying to censor and cancel people, it's the authoritarian left who feel like they know better than everyone else. Very irritating as a libleft, because they read my disagreement as being right leaning rather than freedom loving.

If you are a freedom lover foremost perhaps you should work more on making the issue seperate from right vs left rhetorics. Always look at why someone wants to censor, rather than just assume it's because of ordinary left vs. right. The scale seems to a lot more binary in the US than I'm used to.

It's not a left right issue, we do need to have sex-ed in schools, you need to talk about homosexuality, and the problem with nationalism even the american flavour. I don't even think those are issues that all left leaning people agree on. Dig deeper.

>If you are a freedom lover foremost perhaps you should work more on making the issue seperate from right vs left rhetorics.

I have tried. It simply doesn't work. Proudly censorious authoritarian leftists. They see themselves as the good guys saving the world, and if that means free speech has to go, then so be it.

I'm reminded of this quote:

>“There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him.”

― Robert A. Heinlein, The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress

> Always look at why someone wants to censor

Just as if logic was working. Last time I checked from the Smithsonian woke bullshit, logic itself is racist... Oh well.

> we do need to have sex-ed in schools, you need to talk about homosexuality

Over my dead body. My children will not hear about any trans / Kinsey reports bullshit, or even CRT clusterfuck for that matter.

> And it's not the right trying to censor and cancel people

Are you sure about that?



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