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This is great news. Hasura is... the best. A truly empowering piece of software. Along with React, TypeScript, xstate... not sure what I'd do without Hasura. Looking forward to upgrading when I get the chance. Thank you Hasura team!

Also, graphql-codegen! Makes it easy to keep the api compatible with the front end (and saves you work).

Yes—I recently added that to my backend code and it's fantastic. Wished I had spent the couple hours and had done it sooner. The vscode plugin for graphql-codegen + TypeScript makes it so you can tweak and change with hardly any fear of breaking anything. My entire stack from Postgres to Hasura to backend to frontend is type safe, and core types flow down from the database.

> Makes it easy to keep the api compatible with the front end

If you use a strong typed lang (I used Elm) you get full type safety in GraphQL query building. Any change you make to your schema that breaks the queries will show up after regenerating the client. Sweet.

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