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Talking a little bit out of my ass here making some assumptions, but I'd guess that in this context, 'power braking' refers to grabbing an low gear and letting out the clutch to assist the front brakes when you're trying to stop really fast and maintain the handling dynamics of the car. It's hard to explain, but if you've driven a manual sports car for a while it's easy to learn. And it isn't the same as simple engine braking, which is usually done in higher gears to add moderate resistance, not to actually try to slow the car significantly.

And you do have to be careful not to grab too low a gear and/or don't let the clutch out too fast, or you can mechanically overrev the engine.

IMO compression braking (jake brake) would be a better analog.

> And you do have to be careful not to grab too low a gear and/or don't let the clutch out too fast, or you can mechanically overrev the engine.

A.k.a. the "money shift" as it results in spending lots of money, typically from grabbing 2nd instead of 4th (each being relatively down and to the left).

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