Commercial drivers routinely make at least $0.50 per mile... towing hazardous materials (lithium or sulfuric acid and lead) is an endorsement that guarantees more money, as well. Add in amortized cost of the truck, charger, fuel, and batteries, you're looking at a "30 minute charge truck" costing like $25, minimum.
cdl (commercial drivers license) starts at 13 tons. that's way way more battery than I had in mind, multi megawatt-hour class. no. that's be stupid. no one is talking about hazardous materials. they're talking about a vehicle with 2x, 3x, 4x more battery than we have today. which, as battery technology continues to advance, will become probably smaller and lighter.
i appreciate your attempts to check me & my fantasies but wow I really think you are way way way off here, orders of magntiude off target on the emerging economics.
As for your 30 minute charge, at 200kW (a very attainable rate today already) a 30 minute charge is 80kWh, a full charge for most cars. Why do you need a full charge? in my head I see this more as a system of 10 minute charges, that turn back after a certain distance to maimtaon proximity to home. just get more charge from the next township's local charge fleet.