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A proxy will.

Or just use Grooveshark.

Grooveshark is nice, but it's recommendation system is nowhere as good as Pandora's.

Yeah, I love Grooveshark but their recommendations are bad. I'd love to try Pandora. Not having much choice I'm happy with iTunes on desktop, Double Twist and Grooveshark for mobile. I've dipped my toe in Google and Amazon music but I had to jump through proxying hoops just like I would have to w/ Pandora, so none of those pan out till they really service Canada.

We have last.fm in Canada too, I forgot about them. I hear there are other choices but I haven't heard of any. Would love to hear if anyone reading this knows of them.

I live in Ottawa and listen to Pandora a lot, actually ;)

very true, but with the last.fm scrobbling its not to bad. I just go to last.fm and see what it recommends and then check it out on gs.

Have you tried Slacker? I find their 'stations' and discovery to be better than Pandora, and they have a larger selection of music.

And it works in Canada. Thanks for the tip.

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