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Thanks for the feedback :)

We're very light in the marketing part of the site at the moment. Would you rather see a feature comparison or a short product demonstration video?

I'd kind of need a reason to switch over from Freshbooks, which works pretty well at the moment.

Our goal is to be simpler to use, to focus on time tracking using a timer (rather than logging time after the fact), and to have an aesthetically pleasing application.

We've got some ideas up our sleeve for mobile and desktop innovation, but thought we'd build the web side first as (we hope) it's useful as a standalone product.

What do you love most about Freshbooks?

Harvestapp has a timer and manually doing it.

What would be a cool feature, is if you could use the gps as the timetracker. You were at the location 10 hours, how many do you want to bill etc.

Just an idea :) Simplicity is nice, but lots of your competitors have that already. What sets you aside?

GPS location tracking is one of the features we have in mind! Great to hear someone else is keen for it.

Something else that we haven't seen is better browser integration - some kind of bookmarklet that gives you a timer whatever site you're on in your browser. This would be good for web developers and other users that spend a lot of time working in the browser. What do you think of that idea?

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