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(I work at Stripe.) Keep in mind that Stripe Terminal has upfront pricing: there are no additional software, PCI compliance, or monthly fees (or even equipment lease payments!). When factoring in these additional fees that many legacy players charge on top of the payment processing, Terminal oftentimes has more favorable pricing (along with working alongside your existing online Stripe transactions).

If you want funds in minutes, we have Instant Payouts in the US, Canada, and Singapore now, which lets you cash out to a debit card right away for a small processing fee. Our standard bank transfers are limited by existing banking infrastucture (e.g. the ACH network), but most transfers land within 2 days.

For BINs support—I'm sorry for those issues. Would you be able to email me and I can see if we can work on this? edwin@stripe.com

Stripe Terminal's upfront pricing is neat, but it would triple the processing fees of most 3+ lane retail stores while still lacking reporting of tax (causing many business cards to decline), FSA/HSA, EBT and WIC support.

I'm not going to hunt down test cards for you, but DataCap should have a few they can share if you ping them.

I'm still waiting for the ability to pay for an invoice using terminal. The use cases being a user sends an invoice to a customer and then collect payment for that invoice in person.

That's a neat idea! Adding to the list.

Could you speak more to the part about PCI compliance? My experience has been that you can provide an AOC for provided services but it doesn't make someone's PCI obligations go away entirely. Even a PCI recognized point to point encrypted solution doesn't completely remove all PCI-DSS obligations. Maybe for folks that do a SAQ it would largely make issues go away but a larger entity doing a full ROC/AOC I would imagine would still have a fair amount of work to go through. Do you also happen to work as a merchant acquirer in such a way that you can remove further PCI burden?

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