Do you have any examples of current emojis that clearly have a very different meaning on different platforms? What you're saying might have been true 5+ years ago, but over time emojis have become more and more similar.
In addition to that, almost all emoji keyboards now autocomplete the emoji based on standard names, so if you search for "disappointed" on most any emoji keyboard, you will get the same face.
The famous example is the pistol emoji, which is rendered as either a real gun or a water gun depending on platform. Lots of scope for misunderstanding there!
This has not been true since early 2018. See: There was only a couple of years when vendors rendered it differently, and they worked toward a consensus, as they have for many other emojis.
Even if there was no vendor consensus, I'm not sure what the misunderstanding could be with this particular emoji. There is only one pistol emoji, and regardless of whether it is rendered as a water pistol or a revolver, it still is used to represent the concept of a pistol. There are better examples of emojis that used to be displayed with a facial expression or hand gesture that had a relatively different meaning depending on the platform. For example face with rolling eyes, person tipping hand (information desk person) and so on.
It still rendered as a revolver on the phone I used to write that comment. Guess I'm still on 2017 Android. Please do not invite me to any water gun parties.
> Do you have any examples of current emojis that clearly have a very different meaning on different platforms? What you're saying might have been true 5+ years ago, but over time emojis have become more and more similar.
Well... yes? That's because avalys is obviously correct. The "solution" defined by the Unicode consortium is so spectacularly stupid that everyone has unanimously agreed to move away from it by synchronizing their images, because it makes no sense to send an image unless you know what it will look like.
Rendering differently on an older platform is also an important difference (consider those who can't afford the latest phones). E.g. the gun one has a very different meaning on (some) older platforms from newer ones.
Here is just one random article from Emojipedia about the history of the "folded hands" emoji: There are many more examples.
In addition to that, almost all emoji keyboards now autocomplete the emoji based on standard names, so if you search for "disappointed" on most any emoji keyboard, you will get the same face.
For reference, here is the current official emoji set, including the standard names and images showing how they render on different platforms: