Even without DRM, pirated content is usually available when you want it, as soon as it's available, in more geographic areas (try buying digital content outside USA), it's available in more formats, the file you get will work on more devices, the file you get won't have ads, the file you get won't have copyright warnings. Even if the content cartel sold unDRMed files, they still wouldn't be as good.
There was a time when I used to rip my DVDs, for several reasons: 1) get rid of the warnings and menus and other crap. I just want the main feature; 2) preserve my investment, DVDs are the most fragile consumer media I've ever dealt with. If you have kids, one day they will set a DVD face down on the table and chances are good it will never play right again.
But now I just don't buy DVDs anymore. I watch some stuff on Netflix, and am happy to pay $8/month for that service. I've mostly opted out though. I just don't see the stuff coming out of Hollywood and the TV networks as really being worth my time, regardless of cost or delivery mechanisms.