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Geez, this is such a negative outlook. I know this is the trendy, anti-capitalist, labor-friendly view of the world these days. But it is still possible to believe the tech product you are working on is contributing something positive to the world. Or to simply enjoy creating and improving on things that are used by many users, even at a big company where your own scope of work might be much more narrow than on a personal project you have 100% control over.

It is possible to be motivated by both the money and other aspects of the job, and in my own experience this is the case for all of the best coworkers I've had over the years.

> telling people to fake motivation, when all they actually want is the money - just increases company bullshit.

With this perspective, anyone who chooses to see the glass half full instead of half empty is bullshitting. Anyone who says or does something kind to somebody else even though their own life is not perfect, is bullshitting. You could make that argument but that's not what most people would call bullshit.

"It is possible to be motivated by both the money and other aspects of the job, and in my own experience this is the case for all of the best coworkers I've had over the years."

Sure it is, but the question was about the motivation to put up with coporate bullshit, not the motivation in general.

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