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Also: Thank you very much for making DDG. Thank you for trying to help -- and being the springboard to others making the choice. I used to be a solid "advanced" googler, but made the switch ~3-4 years ago and haven't looked back. I'm glad to see your adoption has grown hugely.

Some specific things that would help me a bit (I don't know if they exist!) -- these may well be pipe dreams, but...

-- A decent search engine for mathematics in the form of LaTeX would be _amazing_...

-- I'd enjoy being able to pass parameters to bangs specifically. An example would be Google Scholar (alas still the best and the last part of their ecosystem I use -- doesn't seem to be as tied in to ads as the rest though) such as 'date from' and 'date to' parameters, with a sensible calling syntax, e.g. `!gsc;f:2015;t:- Convolutional Neural Nets`

-- Likewise, a customisable, ideally API-able scientific/technical search interface would be very useful (for me).

-- No big provider has tried to index the onionweb (I don't know if you're feeling that brave) -- I'd be interested to know

Finally, are you considering being a privacy-first cloud provider in your own right, out of curiosity?

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