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You underestimate what people will sacrifice in order to be able to ask their phone about the weather instead of taking a look through the window.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

I really hate this argument. You can't reliably determine the exact temperature or future weather conditions by looking out of the window.

Serious question since I've never owned a smart phone. Do they not come with a browser? If they do, you can look up your zip code on weather.gov [1] and then expand it to show more details, then bookmark the result. The URL will remain the same for that zip code. At least for the U.S. that is quite accurate. Does the E.U. have a similar site? If you want to hear the weather, then you could bookmark ATIS [2] for your area. Can you launch an app or a bookmarked page using built-in support for voice commands on smart phones?

[1] - https://www.weather.gov/

[2] - https://www.liveatc.net/

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