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The problem I descibe is that barriers get in the way the more you try and protect your privacy or security. It's not a speed issue - the web works very fast with me using NoScript and uBlock Origin. It's just lots of sites now longer like you visting or treat you as an attacker - you're soft blocked. If you ramp it up, even more of the web becomes a pain to use: e.g. using privoxy/polipo/squid, pi-holes, vpns etc, removing or changing headers, screen sizes and geolocation, timezone etc etc to make you less fingerprintable. Of course all you're really doing now is making yourself stand out like a sore-thumb.

The web is even faster when I'm using telnet/openssl s_client -connect, but that's not the point is it or even a fair comparison? I just want to browse the web without being tracked and categorised/labelled. It seems that's too much to ask.

Regarding CDN/Caching:

Google made a change[1] to how caching works which also has some CDN impact.

Instead of saving a resource with its full URL only, they have added two more bits of data to the saved information. Chrome saves the top-level site and the current-frame site next to the full URL of the cached resource. The browser uses the information to determine whether it should serve resources from the cache or not.

[1] https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2020/10/http-cache...

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