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When you start broadcasting an SSID, there's no reasonable expectation that some parties will be able to see it, but other parties won't. If you won't to keep a secret, don't share it.

When you start showing your face in public, there's no reasonable expectation that some parties will be able to see it, but other parties won't. If you want to keep a secret, don't share it.

When you start leaving fingerprints in public, there's no reasonable expectation that some parties will be able to pick them up, but other parties won't. If you want to keep a secret, don't leave fingerprints anywhere.

When you start dropping hair strands or dead skin cells in public, there's no reasonable expectation that some parties will be able to sample it for DNA collection, but other parties won't. If you want to keep a secret, don't drop hair or skin cells.

Thank you for this. There is a huge difference between some stranger being able to see your face as you walk down the street, and having the same stranger record your face, upload it to the cloud and then make it searchable by anyone in the world, tied to other pieces of data track your movements, spending, speech, etc.

The lack of privacy comes from how the data is concentrated, combined, and then shared with people and systems beyond your approval. This is not a binary "secret"/"public" classification where privacy only applies to things in the secret bucket, and no privacy protections apply to something you are not actively trying to keep secret.

I guess you're going for reductio ad absurdum. (did I spell that right?) But I actually think it's reasonable that I might be recorded if I go out in public. Maybe I'm the crazy one, but I just don't see how it could work otherwise.

So you'll have no objection to me publishing your exact location to the entire world at all times that I can see you from a public space? After all, you're opting in by being visible.

Go for it.

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