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The Secret of Psalm 46 by Brian Moriarty (ludix.com)
15 points by antiform on Aug 13, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

I multiplied the gematria of the 256th word of this essay by the number of karma points original submitter had during the first full moon after the most recent vernal equinox. I applied this result as a siphon to the original lisp source code of Viaweb, and held the image in a mirror. Amazingly, it spelled "Paul Graham" backwards in ancient Aramaic. Wait a minute, the earth i s s h a k i n g . . . .

it's kind of a long read, but it was an interesting read.

Did you spot the headfake?

This talk wasn't about the Bible, or Bach, or Shakespear, or the secret of Psalm 46: it's about the sensation of awe. That "....Huh!" feeling you get from finding Easter Eggs, of decoding secrets, of discovering treasures, of reading this transcript, that, my friends, is awe.

Understand its secret, put it in your code, and make something awesome.

The chronology doesn't make sense: this supposedly takes place in 1979, but the TRS-80 Model 1 was introduced in 1977.

There is also a link to an audio version available near the bottom of Jonathan Blow's website [http://number-none.com/blow/].

Fascinating stuff. Extremely effective and entertaining.

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