- `copy(obj)` to copy something to clipboard (that might be hard to copy manually; for example long strings are often cut when selecting manually for copying)
Since most of the times I want "a quick debug" I'm already on my browser and quite probably with the dev tools already open, I prefer right-clicking on a line and using "Add Log" (in Firefox) or "Add logpoint" (in Chrome-based browsers). It avoids having to modify the source and then clean it up when I'm done.
The function body needs to be in parens. Maybe not the most useful for this case, but I've used this when setting logpoints in Chrome to log a variable and save it to a global for further inspection.
Practically every time I do a 'console.log' to see the value of something in the current page state I actually wanted a 'debugger' statement instead. Pausing execution so I can look at other things around what I wanted to log often proves very useful and let's me get to the root cause of a problem faster.
Are you lamenting that you reach for `console.log` first, instead of using the `debugger` statement, or are you wishing there was a `debugger` statement, because there absolutely is a `debugger` statement. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Refe...
Huh, why do you think you do that? Do you forget about the debugger statement, or is there some other reason you think console logging might work well?
Maybe my debugger skills aren't strong enough, but I find that when I'm trying to reason about how some complicated code is executing, a debugger statement forces me to wade through tons of internals in libraries I don't care about. Some well-placed console logs give me much less information overload.
The same here, also in my case at least 90% of the time when there is a problem I know where the problem is I just need to look at a couple things and confirm which of a couple scenarios could be causing the problem.
I wish there was a "debugger snapshot" functionality that does not pause execution and creates a snapshot of the current DOM and state.
Probably a performance nightmare but being able to continue and inspect what happened in retrospect is what makes console.log a powerful debugging tool IMO.
You could extrapolate this to the time-traveling debuggers we've seen for Redux and other tools. That stuff is super powerful.
Interesting. I feel the opposite. Reading through multiple log lines somehow tells me something about the problem (program) that I don’t get when I use the debugger.
What pains me that browsers no longer put blue icon with console.info. Like, what's the point of having it if it's going be virtually indistinguishable from .log?
Linters actually consider .log to be an error nowadays by default. They only accept debug/info/warn/error.
I take advantage of this so that my .log lines are stuff I need while developing but they shouldn't get committed, that's what the actual named log lines are for.
One thing to watch out is that console.log is asynchronous.
If the objects to be printed change between console.log() and the actual printing, the output you see may not represent the state when console.log() was called.
console.log is not asynchronous. For example, this code:
let a = "hello";
console.log( a );
let a = "goodbye";
will always reliably print "hello", not "goodbye".
What you're referring to is the fact that when you expand an object or array in the console, then you see the contents of that object or array at the time you expand it, not as it originally existed when console.log() was called.
This is why alessioalex's sibling comment is so useful. By logging the output from JSON.stringify(), you are logging a string whose value will not change.
No. It means that when you invoke `console.log` in a browser it "logs" a reference to an object instead of serialising it.
This log is still synchronous, but when you expand it in the console its properties are dereferenced and may be different from when the original log was made. The log, however, is still instantaneous and synchronous.
OK, agreed. That's an important distinction. The console log will synchronously receive a reference to an object; later if you expand something in the log window it shows you the current state.
Not a "JavaScript dev", but I think JS is a fine language. Perhaps I'm biased, because I like Scheme. The browser environment is the shitshow.
A function can call a third party service, or some subsystem running on the same computer, whatever. Regardless of the programming language, that service may or may not do stuff asynchronously after your call. There's no way to tell. I regard the console.log to be a third party service. Who the heck knows what it does, except it has access to your memory!
I don't think you can compare JS to Scheme, I've heard of that meme though. Also, JS suffers from a lot of fragmentation in tooling and frameworks, so the problem is not just the language.
As for a third party service argument, you're just stretching the goal posts there to fit your argument.
It's not just a meme, JS was literally inspired by Scheme (garbage collection, lexical scoping, type system) and Java (some superficial syntax) and Self (object orientation).
I agree that the core language is not the worst problem with JS; that's what I was trying to say.
Regarding the other point about knowing whether something is async or not. Few languages will tell you if a function does side effects. They might spawn threads or processes, mutate the data you sent them, all after the call has returned. Languages where you can easily see that this will happen are few and far between, and they have strong static type systems.
It mentions the CSS-styling formatting specifier, but skips over the more mundane "printf-style" ones.
const obj = {objection: 'overruled'};
'console.log is the #%d %s API ever written %f\% no arguing! %o %O !!!',
1, 'greatest', 100, obj, obj);
I've tried to keep my example compliant but it's still a very tiny loosy-goosy standard, for example at least in Firefox you can write %.0f to skip printing the fractional part of the float, but the standard doesn't mention this.
console.time{,Log,End} take an optional argument to label the timers, changing the "default" text to the label but also allowing multiple timers running simultaneously
An historic problem with logging is that if you wanted to create a logging library, every time you logged you would lose the line number of the log statement as it would just show that of the library rather than the call point.
This is solved by separating out your log library into a separate file, and then blackboxing it. Voila, original call points are preserved making debugging easier and your logs more useful.
The second example effectively prints an object with it's name. I often have multiple console.log statements and by utilizing that I know what each one is referring to just by typing 2 more characters.
console.dir does the same thing as console.log in every modern browser. I'm tired of seeing this "tip", and it's a pretty clear indication the article is poorly researched, the only difference is that it pre-expands the object.
console.table() is a favorite of mine for a variety of reasons, but one of the most important to me is that it's really easy to quickly find a giant table in a wall of text if I'm logging a bunch of other stuff.
If it's not on all the browsers, please don't use any of this shit. Every time you use a chrome-specific browser you encourage the eventual death of all the non-chromium browsers which might be great for you right now, but is bad for the ecosystem in the long term.
Also, please stop writing tech blogs on medium. That well paid tech people of all people would be constrained to a paywall-middleman is an indictment of our entire field.
Also, none of this stuff should ever be used in production code, only during development (at least IMHO). So even if some things were browser specific, it shouldn't hurt anyone but yourself if you run into incompatibilities while using any of it.
Very useful when you are wiring events together on the front end.
Surprised there isn’t a standard way to do this in the DOM.