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The author has 3 children, and that's a _household_ income of $150000. 150 grand is not a huge family income to support 2 adults and 3 kids; as a country, we give people tax breaks to encourage having children and to help support people who make that choice.

Calling this "Houdini-like" (author's words) tax hacking seems like a bit of a misunderstanding of deliberate social policy!

>>150 grand is not a huge family income to support 2 adults and 3 kids

An awful lot of families are doing this on 1/3 of that amount.

When you subtract all the retirement savings, they're doing it on half that ($73,000).

Having the money to invest and deciding to do so does not mean you don’t have the money.

A family on the median household income would have negative net income with that level of investment.

Yes, and an awful lot of families in Africa and Southeast Asia are doing this on 1/150th that amount. With more kids. Your point?

The existence of more extreme poverty doesn’t change the fact that 150k/yr is not a ton of money to support a family of 5 in most American metro areas.

Small point, but the average household size in the US is 2.5, on half of the 5 people in this household, so you really can't compare their family income to family income statistics for much smaller families.https://www.statista.com/statistics/183648/average-size-of-h...

> 150 grand is not a huge family income to support 2 adults and 3 kids

This could be anywhere between solidly upper middle class to struggling to make ends meet depending on where you're at in the US.

That's about 2.5 times the median family income. It's a huge family income relative to that.

> October 16, 2013

In 2013 150k seemed a lot IIRC as the economy was in shambles and all those paid with these sweet RSUs and ISOs weren't having it.

> 150 grand is not a huge family income to support 2 adults and 3 kids

It's more than double the median household income.

This is highly dependent on where you live obviously, so if we are speaking about a particular individual this line of reasoning is not relevant.

What? You expect a near-complete tax breaks on a $150k family income? That's not a small amount of money.

I wish kids were deductible in the UK. We get a tax free allowance on the first £25k (combined earnings) and that's clawed back over £100k.

there is no such thing as loopholes and tax hacking, simply 'THE LAW'

noone is beholden to pay more taxes than the tax code requires.

anyone who uses emotional appeal to say otherwise wont help me when i need their help anyway so they can pound sand.

I think this will become a pedantic argument, but without defining loophole, we can’t say they exist or don’t.

Presumably a law is written with some intent. When that intent or spirit is broken because of poor construction or poor foresight in the text of a law, a lot of people call that a loophole. I think it is a fair definition.

along this line of thought, using a library written for one use case for a separate use case could pedantically be considered a 'hack'.

I simply share the opinion that the people writting tbe laws should recieve the heat, not those doing what they are legally allowed to

It's more than $8000/mo take home. Anyone who can't afford to feed and house 5 people on that budget is probably a degenerate gambler or drug addict.

Childcare for 2 children under the age of 5 in my area will cost roughly $4000. Mortgage for a very modest 4 bedroom house is another $2500. $1500 for all the rest starts to get very tight. Insurance as a category alone can eat half of that. There’s not much left to gamble or drug with.

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