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don't know about 'phoning the company', but someone from the previous place might consult their linked-in profile and contact some acquaintance from the new place informally, with the aim to bad mouth their former peer. I stopped updating my linked-in profile, because this is quite possible, if you have worked in a toxic work environment (in terms of security: all what is in the realm of the possible, is also likely to happen in reality)

As a hiring manager, if someone did this, I would just feel bad for the person who was on their way to me, that they had to work with people like that.

That's a very reasonable position, on the other side: as a hiring manager you probably wouldn't work with the new hire on a day-to-day basis, and you wouldn't be involved with his performance review.

Except this is blatant sour grapes. If people at the new company really believe the bad mouthing, then you already have issues with your new job.

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