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> Ha! "I was completely inside" What else needs to happen for you to think there might be an element of being unsafe?

If a thing happens once, you decide it's categorically unsafe? Not a freak accident?

Must be rough for you to actually do anything, given the how many possibilities there are to accidentally die doing basically anything.

You call diving in the ocean and swimming near whales "basically anything"? Diving itself is pretty high risk and the fatality rate isn't as low as you might think. You comparing essential daily activity to recreational diving in whale infested waters as equals is a quite mind boggling.

Given how many "An X Year Old Person Died in This Intersection This Year" signs I pass just going about my day, I don't think the fatality rate of essential daily activity is as low as you might think.

You're confusing essential with recreational activity.

Assuming that every mile is essential is quite a leap.

These are mostly recreational walks.

If you think this stuff is bad wait till you hear about driving...

Diving is risky, whales are not.

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