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Another cameraman got gobbled by a Bryde's whale while he was filming a bait ball off the coast of South Africa a couple years ago. His wife took photos of him while he was half in the whale. Fortunately, the whale spat him out a few seconds later. As soon as he got out of the whale, he swam up to his wife to ask, "did you get it?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChcEb6mlEUo (worth the watch)

> As soon as he got out of the whale, he swam up to his wife to ask, "did you get it?"

What has social media done to our brains that this is often the first thing people think to say after a near-death experience?

Is it a near death experience? It seems to me to be just a wild thing to happen. Maybe he didn’t perceive serious danger?

If you find yourself inside an animal's mouth and you don't perceive serious danger then you have at least two problems.

Images of man in mouth start at 1:03.

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