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After the worst day of meetings, after not being to track down the most elusive bug, at the end of that day, I absolutely do not have to worry about being eaten whole. So I guess there are worse jobs.

Isn't eaten whole better than eaten half?

“How do you feel when you find a worm in your apple?”

“Better than when I find half a worm.”

“Better than being hit by a bus”

“Better than being hit by half of a bus”

What if it is a short bus? It's half the size of a bus, yet still a whole bus. The joys of fractions. Half of a short bus would be a passenger van. Still a bus? Half of a passenger van would be a mini-van. Half a mini-van would be a SUV. Half an SUV would be a sedan. Half a sedan would be a mini. Half a mini would be a bicycle. Half a bicycle would be a unicycle. Half a uni would be...

Either way, I'd prefer just not to get hit.

No, the… the point is encountering something upsetting is upsetting, but encountering it not intact is traumatic.

Half a human swallowed by a whale is body parts. Half a worm in an apple is half a worm in your mouth. Half a bus hitting you implies more than the bus/human collision and some prior trauma experienced by the people in the bus.

Well, unless you’re a developer at a certain theme park featuring genetically engineered creatures…

Repeating yourself until you're red in the face that they shouldn't reopen this park for a 3rd or 4th time until your team gets unit testing sorted out but the PMs just aren't having it and the deadline isn't going to budge

I am totally unappreciated in my time. You can run this whole park from this room with minimal staff for up to 3 days. You think that kind of automation is easy? Or cheap? You know anybody who can network 8 connection machines and debug 2 million lines of code for what I bid for this job? Because if he can I'd like to see him try.

It's a Unix system...I know this!

> Well, unless you’re a developer at a certain theme park featuring genetically engineered creatures…

"It's a UNIX system. I know this!"

No expense spared! Still a classic.


My first read of that made me think your day job was diving for lobsters (often referred to as bugs, and quite elusive).

Yup, at least not whole.

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