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The error in the 'Variance calculated using Statistics::Descriptive' is ~0.0002% of the mean (and of each value).

As the OP says: "One saving grace of the real world is the fact that a given variable is unlikely to contain values with such an extreme range"

My point is that 99.999% algorithm is going to have a cost over the 99.9% algorithm (more complex code, more resource usage), and depending on what you're doing, you may have to consider that cost.

Not in this case. Consider naive sum:

    double fsum(const double *p, size_t n) {
      size_t i;
      double s;
      for (s = i = 0; i < n; ++i) s += p[i];
      return s;
Add one line of code and it not only becomes numerically stable but benchmarks faster too.

    double fsum(const double *p, size_t n) {
      size_t i;
      double s;
      if (n > 8) return fsum(p, n / 2) + fsum(p + n / 2, n - n / 2);
      for (s = i = 0; i < n; ++i) s += p[i];
      return s;
Losers always whine about how their laziness and ignorance is a calculated tradeoff.

What we need to consider is that sometimes there is no tradeoff.

That depends to an extreme degree on your environment, your language, your compiler... etc. What you need to consider is that tradeoffs have two sides.

I understand why the second version might benchmark faster, but why is it more numerically stable?

Because it reduces worst case roundoff errors from being linear to logarithmic. Why is that the case? Best intuitive explanation I can think of is that floating point behaves more like VHS than DVD. If you wanted to bootleg a thousand copies of Titanic, then would you have each copy be made from the previous copy? No. It'd look terrible. You would instead have a stack of VCRs where the copies could be made in a hierarchical way that minimizes the critical path of copies. The overall number of operations may be the same, but if we consider that errors get worse the more errorful something becomes then it should be simple to understand why divide and conquer improves numerical stability.

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