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But taken in the context of the whole article, it adds nothing of any value. The author literally spends the rest of the post describing how it is useful. Saying 'doesn't seem useful, does it?' at the beginning is a rhetorical device. The author is assuming that the reader probably doesn't have experience using bit manipulations for complex problems.

I am so tired of HN pedantry.


Put a little more blunt than I would have but there's nothing wrong there. Rarely a submission goes by where the first comments aren't people racing in to argue with the author.

There's an adversarial air that exists around dissecting, criticizing, nit-picking etc ideas presented, both here and in the tech world at large. As if one's most valuable contribution to a conversation is assuming the role of smug contrarian.

It's frankly tiring and obnoxious. I used to think non-geeks were just bad at communicating with us; that the fault was on their side somehow. But now I think we're just dicks.

That’s not the way ‘literally’ should be used.

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