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Frankly, I have no idea what you mean. I just opened the site again and first page is 50% US news, 40% UK and 10% dedicated to whatever...

Well right now Joe Biden has just started a visit to European countries (note the main section on that front page is "Biden in Europe"). This has kicked off in the UK where one of the main points has been the post-Brexit situation with Northern Ireland. As he visits other countries I imagine they will be the focus of the "Biden In Europe" section on that frontpage. Other than those stories I can see:

- Belarusian exiles fear Lukashenko’s reach

- Macron to Johnson: Not serious to want to review Brexit’s NI protocol

- Jail term for man who slapped Emmanuel Macron in the face

- European Parliament calls for end of caged farming by 2027

- Belarusian exiles fear Lukashenko’s reach

- POLITICO Brussels Playbook: Keeping up with the Johnsons — If Biden says so — Good news for Fidesz

- 7 ways Euro 2020 could turn political

Could it be that it's just showing different based on location? I'm based in Central Europe, if you're in the UK or USA that might explain a shift in focus? I dunno, I'm guessing but either way we're way off piste here - if you guys still believe the story about France switching the main language of the EU to French during their presidency is a UK media hoax, then I guess we'll see soon enough.

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