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Insider trade a million, you’ve got a problem. You have to insider trade a billion so that you’re untouchable. This is probably the hourly volume of insider trading at many hedge funds like SAC.

> You have to insider trade a billion so that you’re untouchable.

Some source of that? I believe that is not true. Other shareholders don't really want managers to profit from insider trading.

Print $billions/month of fake electronic money and NYAG will negotiate with you for over a year to finally decide on a gift "penalty" of empty promise and a less than 12hours of your fake money printing volume. cough Tether cough.

Steve Cohen did not go to jail despite his firm pleasing guilty.


Anecdotally, the "price" is closer to 50+ mil, not 1 bil. Hopefully that will change for the better in my lifetime.

hey bro earnings gonna be good?

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