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It’s possible if you become a contractor. That’s what I am now, and I have worked for two companies so far. I live outside the states now.

But it does mean dealing with your own taxes, charging a higher rate to compensate for those taxes and other bills, etc. however, I’ve found that I can charge higher and the company can still save money simply because they don’t have to pay for things they would normally pay a permanent employee.

But, it does come with a risk of losing your job more easily.

Seconded, please share. Do you make significantly more money than full time employee status?

Typically for a freelancer/contractor (as against a consultant) yes but also no. On a nominal hourly or whatever rate you come out ahead, but life can throw you curveballs that mean you don't end up ahead.

This. And I started low too. But keep in mind my situation is _not_ typical at all.

It’s a bit big to share here and it’s late but I’ll get back on this

Curious what you do and what your strategy was for being a contractor. Care to share?

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