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I think embracing english as the main language of the EU is the worst idea since Brexit. It’s anything but neutral. It’s a concession made to the brits and a trojan for the Americans. They left, they can f right off and take their piss poor excuse of a language with them. It works for programming, insults and not much else. If they hadn’t joined the EU to sabotage it, maybe english wouldn’t be as popular in the EU.

Let’s force the 3 letter agencies to improve their deep learning NLP models for other languages.

Nobody speaks it in the EU, but if we’re going with popular languages i also don’t think mandarin would be an appropriate language.

I’m french and I think there should be a common EU language, and for political purpose it should a truly neutral language, like Esperanto or another novlang.

(Or maybe french should become the lingua franca of the EU if French official communications to the EU could only be in German)

Latin is rooted in catholicism, which is anything but neutral in terms of history and human rights.

Let’s level the playing field a bit, there is enough english in the world.

[this post made in english, and I write most often in english because nobody reads french compared to english]

> Nobody speaks it in the EU

English is one of the two official languages of Ireland.

Either way, I think everything you've said is basically beside the point because English is the primary international language of the business and science worlds. That's why virtually all airports everywhere in the world have English signage and announcements, that's why many international university lectures are in English. It's very practical.

For better or for worse, that's how it is, and choosing another language based on some principle of neutrality (which certainly won't really be neutral, because anyone's definition of neutrality will be biased) is going against the flow. Something like Esperanto would actually be an especially terrible choice given that there's almost no one who speaks it and virtually no entertainment media that uses it, which makes it far more difficult to learn.

Learning languages is hard enough as it is. As someone who lived in Tokyo and studied Japanese full time, it's something you really need to be motivated for to make it work.

What a depressingly resentful and scornful take against op’s well reasoned comment. Taking a position is fine, shouting through your keyboard is discouraged.

I have nothing against op’s well written and documented comment but it is describing the status quo.

it’s like saying cobol is the most used programming language, why use java or python?

OP is describing the logical reason for english, i’m presenting the emotional reasons against it.

English is a great choice because it is a second language for every country, which puts them on equal footing and helps them communicate (with the world as well). Native speakers are the hardest to understand because they suffer from the curse of knowledge.

(Latin is oppressive? I’ve heard it all. Better tell the scientists.)

> I write most often in english because nobody reads french compared to english

The irony.

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