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> I do recommend considering visx.

Just to add another recommendation to the mix. I'm an extremely happy echarts user. I recently had somebody comment about the graph that was in my product as they were surprised by how it was done, which goes to show how flexible and powerful echarts is.

If you go to https://public-001.gitsense.com/insights/github/repos?r=gith... and look at the timeline chart, you can see that it is pretty flexible. I was able to convert a scatter chart into the timeline chart which supports scrolling left and right fairly easily.

This is super cool, thanks for sharing! I am always excited to see dashboards in different large products because it helps us understand how to push our product to make it so that the dashboard is buildable in Explo.

No problem. I'm also planning on open sourcing the frontend when I have the available resources as the value is really with the data. If others want to learn from what I've done and/or use it to integrate into their own solutions, that's perfectly fine by me.

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