It's also unlikely that you will only use AWS, forever. At some point in time you'll have to deal with various resources (be it IT resources, time, money or people-as-a-resource), and whenever you bind your knowledge and workforce to an IaC tool that doesn't transfer or isn't portable you're going to end up with N+1 tools every time. In other words: it doesn't scale all that well. (And that doesn't mean Google-scale, but going from 2 IaC engineers to 5 IaC engineers is much harder if you can't apply universal tooling)
Tools are never 'just tools', there is context and there are externalities. And as you already pointed out: migrating/uprooting all of those other things isn't a likely scenario.
Agreed. If you use an auth service (SaaS or self-hosted) that isn't AWS Cognito you will also find yourself wanting to integrate with your IaC tool. Having to roll this yourself with CloudFormation is a lot of effort, or at least it was last time I looked, and importing a third party "provider" wasn't really a thing.