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    Many women grow up with a sense of physical 
    vulnerability that's hard for men to appreciate. Our 
    culture's relentless treatment of women as objects 
    teaches them that they are defined by the one thing 
    that men around them want from them—men who are 
    usually bigger, stronger, and (like any human) 
    occasionally crazy. This feeling—often confirmed by
    actual experiences of harassment and assault—can lead,
    understandably, to a lifetime of low-level wariness
    and sense of vulnerability that men have trouble 
This is so absolutely dead right on the money, I find myself wondering where a male author gets such an insight. I feel this way, and I was raised in idyllic suburban circumstances surrounded by loving and honorable men.

(Edit: Here's an old comment of mine on the phenomenon of women preferring gender anonymity online: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=750413 )

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