A very interesting look at the results of Google Insights. When I have a moment I'll see if I can find public sales/growth figures for a few companies and compare them to their Google Insight results to see whether there is any correlation.
"Chen included the '.com” at the end of each site’s name when he created his maps (”techcrunch.com,” “twitter.com,” etc.)....Only nerds add the “.com” in the search box when they are looking for a site."
And if you limit the time-frame to the last 12 months, everything but CA disappears. I guess everybody in the northeast who's interested already has it bookmarked?
Twitter's heavy focus in states with major cities probably looks very much like early graphs of cell phone use. I still have a hard time imagining it spreading, but I guess I haven't been bit by the twitterbug yet.
super cool tool, thanks for the tip andrew. This is a nice top level analysis and correlation, leave hardcore research to analysts. I'm all for "putting in keywords are looking at pretty graphs."
fair enough, I was jokingly referencing this comment from @jowyang "Friends, before you go ape shiggles for Google Insight, please note the data is NOT USAGE, it's just querying the frequency of search terms"
jokes and odd references often get lost in textual translation.