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Be careful with thinking that issues you think you have solved for yourself, or that you believe your friends have solved, are issues society or culture have solved.

Isn't the phrase "don't be a pussy" part of your culture? Has your culture got over with most cheerleaders being white, female and fit already?

The fact things have gotten better with time doesn't mean we are living the golden age of gender equality.

Yes, the phrase "dont be a pussy" is definitely a part of my culture as is the phrase "dont be a dick". They are both colloquial expressions of undesirable behavior that refer to genitals, I don't find it to be evidence of a larger overarching problem.

Has your culture gotten over most chippendales being male, well-endowed and fit?

There are people who enjoy sexuality and sensuality, I personally don't care that there are a segment of women who enjoy chippendales it doesn't threaten me as a man. If women want to enjoy that sort of thing they should be free to. I would expect that a woman would be able to view chippendales and then come to the office in the morning and not slap me on the ass, just as I would expect a man who watched cheerleaders at a football game to not slap women on the ass at the office.

There are going to be people who are going to look at me and think that I got to where I am in life simply by looking at the color of my skin and my gender. I'm much more interested in meeting those people who would rather know the content of my character. I know that in some circumstances I've probably benefitted greatly because of my gender, I also know very well the circumstances that have been detrimental to me because of my gender. I choose to take those detrimental gender biases and overcome them not worrying that I cannot simply because of my gender.

Life is not about the hand you were dealt, life is about how you played it. In all honesty anyone born in a G8 nation regardless of gender or race has been dealt a tremendous hand that is enviable to the better part of the world.

That there also exist objectification of the male sexuality doesn't justify any objectification of sexuality at all.

Also I don't believe by harassment and assault nor Randall nor anyone referred to being slapped on the ass. If we take domestic violence as the example, woman are a lot more often, and also more brutally, subjected to domestic abuse than men. I'm not being reductionist and suggesting that all of this is because we say "don't be a pussy", what I'm implying is that both are current examples of how western culture is violent and denigratory towards women.

I value your insight into overcoming detrimental gender biases as an example, and I'm not being overly polite, I really mean it. Life is both about the hand you were dealt and about how you play it. Arguing in favour of gender equality and trying not be sexist is about trying to give everybody a better starting hand, because not every single other one is going to be able to overcome things they way you did.

Amusingly enough, the phrase "don't be a pussy" originally had nothing to do with genitalia. However, time has certainly altered the word's meaning.


I really seem to have selected a poor example, sorry but Spanish is my native language and some subtleties of English (such as etymology) are sometimes elusive to me.

As to decorate with another amusing fact, while researching about "don't be a pussy" I found that Google translates it to Spanish as "no seas marica", which would be "don't be a marica", marica being a derogatory term to refer to homosexual men. I know Google Translate uses statistical analysis and not fixed rules... but what amuses me a little is the idea of how this fact alone could start a whole new inflammatory thread if posted on Google+ by some Internet celebrity.

Isn't the phrase "don't be a pussy" part of your culture?

I don't buy this reasoning. Phrases like that tend to lose the connotations implied by their origin within a generation or two.

For the longest time as a kid I had no idea "pussy" or "bitch" had anything to do with women. I still don't associate them with women even though I now know the origins.

Same here, took me a few seconds to realize what made "don't be a pussy" relevant to the topic.

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