aaaand again China doing whatever it wants and nobody doing anything about it. When will this stop?
Personally i'm boycotting their product and services as much as possible.
All it takes is a little research. You can find a US manufacturer for almost anything if you look hard enough. Most people don't want to pay the higher prices that sometimes come with many of the products.
Made in USA != all parts made in the USA. Kinda like how "Made in the USA" cars/trucks are often 90% made overseas then sent to the US for final assembly to earn that sticker.
I'll ignore the fact that the very first link in your computer URL is Apple, which does not have a 100% made in the USA product.
The second computer company in your link is Digital Storm. They use MSI boards which are made in Taiwan and China.
No, I didn't miss your point. The link I posted has computer manufacturers that say they can use US based components, including in-house engineered parts. I also showed that components are made in the US and that the DOD contracts will require that Chinese parts not be used.
There are items made in China by Taiwan-based companies, which are marked as such, but stuff actually manufactured in Taiwan is marked as made in Taiwan
Unless you’re very rich or living like a monk, boycotting Chinese made products is not an easy task. Go to any American supermarket and look at the labels, I bet a majority of them are made in China.
Voting with wallet only works when there are options. I bet the devices that you and I used to write these very comments are highly likely made in China too, at least partly
Fishery regulation cheating is pervasive everywhere, almost none of these rules have working teeth. Every ocean species for which there is a market anywhere is being catastrophically overexploited, regardless of what regulations say.
That said, I guess... I'm actually OK with jingoist anti-China hatred in this particular case if it helps drive attention to a genuine ecological catastrophe? The woke hippies welcome you aboard, mate.
I was going to make a similar point - this is a persistent problem anywhere there are profitable fish stocks, and absolutely not just by the Chinese - the French, Spanish, whoever, there are plenty of people at it.
Nobody has yet mentioned the UK, but: reduced regulation on fishing was a big motivator for Brexit, where the campaign had its roots deep in coastal towns.
Well, British fishermen thought we'd be "taking back control of our waters", and wouldn't be in the situation where they have smaller quotas that the large Spanish and French vessels that fish British waters do.
The purpose of the military is to maintain the territorial sovereignty of the nation, against illegal entry from migrants/smugglers or chinese fishermen.
If the military cannot perform this task then why does Argentina spend $3billion on them?
The obvious answer is that Argentina is a failed state, incapable of defending itself.
Sovereignty is a slippery abstraction. What we’re talking about here is doing violence against someone on a boat who has directly harmed no one, whose only crime is crossing an invisible line and perhaps stealing some food.
Now, I’m not going to get down in to the weeds about fishing property rights, but it looks like you’re trying to climb up this abstraction layer (“territorial sovereignty”) to justify violence against the peaceful.
If indeed they are stealing from someone under the law, I don’t think violent action via a national military is in any way whatsoever a proportionate response. You seem to be advocating for collective guilt because there are so many, and collective guilt or group punishment is a violation of human rights.
I mean you can say this same thing about several countries. USA, Russia, China all come to mind. Turns out countries with power often act similarly as people with power, unethically in order to advance their own interests. It's not just a "someone needs to stop china" problem, it's more systemic. Stopping china from doing this one thing is just treating symptoms, not the underlying cause.
The US has overthrown multiple democratic governments to get what it wants. I personally prefer China's blatant disregard for the rules over the United State's efforts to forcibly rewrite the rules in their favor.
That’s like people who preferred Donald trump. Indications from other areas showed he was going to be worse, but he hadn’t already had an actual history in office so many former supporters were unable to extrapolate.
Xinjiang, Tibet, and events in Hong Hong don’t bode well. Trends in the South China Sea show that China doesn’t respect its neighboring countries claims either. So the external events that do exist are not promising that China will be better.
And in internal politics and equality, we haven’t yet forced academics and professionals into labor camps but it may be trending that way.
Edit: I’m by no means downplaying the terribleness the USA did in South America, the Middle East or elsewhere nor our own internal discriminations and worse, I’m pointing out that given the limited information we have, it does not give any confidence that China will be an improvement. My own feel given my fairly limited understanding is that overall it will be worse for the environment and justice globally and at the very best essentially the same but with a new face.
Rules are a way for whichever party is more powerful at the time of rule writing to lock in advantages in their favor. Take a look at any US election cycle, each parties tries to create laws that it knows will be difficult to overturn even if they get voted out in 4 years.
Is it any wonder a rising power chafes at rules that it didn't get same amount of influence over at the time of writing because it was weaker? Our entire structure of international law is based on decisions made in those first few years after WW2. It's been 70+ years since then and the world has changed dramatically. I'm quite concerned that if the current international structure isn't flexible enough to bend and accommodate the pressure those changes, its going to break like an earthquake fault and we could very well have a WW3 scenario on our hands.
Looks like you are being downvoted for no good reason. Comments like this always seem to go down after the sun rises across the Atlantic
“I have more respect for a man who lets me know where he stands, even if he's wrong, than the one who comes up like an angel and is nothing but a devil.”