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Minims (tweller.com)
44 points by plibither8 on June 6, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

I wish less of the internet was so imperative. Little sites like this feel like save-points for the human soul, while I click around and enjoy what someone else has made. Reminds me a lot of Gary Larson's cartoons, which also have a website:


Hey, give Gemini (https://gemini.circumlunar.space/) a chance. Things like https://cosmic.voyage/ make me happy to just browse stuff, read some stuff, have fun, not just consuming random posts on reddit.

This site would be hard to replicate on Gemini seeing that it's quite heavy on both imagery and design.

Maybe, but I said nothing about that, only answered to the comment and gave an opinion about what the person said, not about the original link that sparked that discussion.

Gemini needs a "Cool pod of the day" or similar.

The stuff in the original post is very much something you'd see on "Cool site of the day" - back in the days ;)

There are some aggregators for this kind of discoverability, but there's nothing like this currently, no.

Hey, how about setting one up? :)

It's a fun exercise to try and treat each Minim like a serious metaphorical truth. Stretches my mind.

"Everything is easy when you know how to do it."

This is silly. I love it.

This is such a poorly made website. I love it!

intentionally minimalistic =/= poorly made

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