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Ok, where's your data? This article cites the work of Soffia, Wood, and Burchell[1] who "use representative data from the EU to test five of [bullshit jobs theory]'s core hypotheses" and find them to be nonsense based upon opinion and conjecture.

> instead of analysing them more clinically

Can you point to a clinical analysis supporting your claims? You may be falling prey to what you accuse the Economist of: ideology over evidence.

Additionally,your viewpoint seems internally inconsistent. On the one hand, bigcorps are profit obsessed and will stop at nothing to juice margins. But also, they somehow allow jobs (ie labor cost) which produce nothing to proliferate.

[1] https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/09500170211015...

Is it possible corporations, being large and complex organisms, can be obsessed with margins--yet also may harbor BS jobs?

Political kingdom building, hire to fire, and over fitting to poorly chosen metics are just a few ways I can see margin obsessed companies also maintaining BS jobs.

Bigcorpos aren't omnipotent individuals. We've all heard the apocryphal stories of people who've slipped between the gaps and kept being paid. Companies don't need to be perfect to beat the competition, they just need to be good enough.

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