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I think a bullshit job is one where you don't get paid, or get paid very little.

Debatable. My $300,000 FANG job was bullshit. In the end I worked 6 hours a week and was still considered a top performer. I had to quit because of how bored I was. Either the job was bullshit or I’m just very very competent. I lean towards the former though.

I know what you mean, from a certain perspective. I do nothing most days, but internal teams use the platforms I built/developed. I’m around to janitor problems now, since I “own” them. Being an SME on a thing can seem like bullshit, but my presence and knowledge is still valuable to those users. Still critical in a crisis too. Also I can take like 4 hour naps and work on my hobbies. Maybe just try finding other things to do lol

I think tech just scales that way. A little bit of competency paired with the inevitable accrual of expertise goes a long way.

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