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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder: Relish the delightful Chicago accent and attitude of Crime Pays but Botany Doesn't, presenting The Filthiest Flower in All the Land, Clitoria:


All his stuff is just as fascinating, entertaining, and educational -- check out his channel! His videos about carnivorous plants are a trip, too. The money shot and pigmy assed sundew starts at 4:20:

(#182) A Strange Carnivore Called Cephalotus folicularis


A botanical tour of beautiful West Oakland, California, across the train tracks and under the superhighways:

(#195) The Plant Ecology of Concrete, Garbage and Urine - Botanizing A Toilet


>WARNING : THIS EPISODE SHOWS IMAGES THAT ARE AN UTTER BUMMER. Thin-skinned, easily-upset viewers will want to pass.

>Botanizing a Toilet :

>The bleak barren wasteland of neglected urban infrastructure serves as an example of an ecological phenomenon known as "primary succession", however the cast includes a patchwork of non-native species from all over the globe. What plant species are able to thrive amidst the homeless camps, human bleakness (wealth disparity 101), garbage and concrete? Join CPBBD as we explore the ecology of garbage, concrete and urine.

The Ethnomycology of Ugly Landscaping:


>Join us as we explore the affinity that a species of psychoactive mushroom seems to have for the mulch beds of ugly landscaping in otherwise bleak metropolitan settings such as luxury condominiums, banks, strip malls, traffic medians, etc.

I have to second this recommendation and add my favorite video[0] of his, "Kick Me In The Asteraceae, with Helianthus annuus," about sunflowers. It's truly an informative and down to earth take on what can be a very stuffy and jargon-dense subject.

[0]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D44YgtQraXY

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