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How to Build an Audience-Driven Business (indiehackers.com)
23 points by Major_Grooves on June 3, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

"Zero to Sold" is a great book and I was lucky to read a few pages of the pre-release version of "The Embedded Entrepreneur: How to Build an Audience-Driven Business".

Congrats Arvid on the new book and best of luck!

I bought the author's last book, "Zero to Sold", which gave a good overview of how he bootstrapped a company only with his wife and co-founder to $55k MRR then sold it.

He just wrote this new book "The Embedded Entrepreneur", and I think the book writing process and the way he has built his own audience is pretty interesting.

Thanks so much! Author here.

The thing that stands out for me is that involving my (future) readers from day one has been a 100% positive experience. I expected things to be boring or ego-bruising, but this journey has been extremely positive.

I'm fortunate to be deeply embedded in the community I am writing for. Indie hackers and founders are quite supportive of each other, and it shows.

Lots of good work from Arvid around SaaS!!

The audience is the way!

Loved Arvid’s first book and this book is on my list too! :)

very useful style of writing, would recommend!

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