> There are better ways to spend our resources than on redoing the world's HVAC
Before we had vaccines, ventilation improvements likely prevented a significant amount of transmission. If ventilation can reduce the transmission of other illnesses, and prevent the next COVID, it's pretty hard to argue that it's a bad use of resources.
> climate change
Yes, that's important. But it's not a zero sum game where investing in public health somehow takes away from investing in environmentally friendly technology.
You may be right, but it didn't end on it's own.
> There are better ways to spend our resources than on redoing the world's HVAC
Before we had vaccines, ventilation improvements likely prevented a significant amount of transmission. If ventilation can reduce the transmission of other illnesses, and prevent the next COVID, it's pretty hard to argue that it's a bad use of resources.
> climate change
Yes, that's important. But it's not a zero sum game where investing in public health somehow takes away from investing in environmentally friendly technology.