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> So, we have to figure out how to change the incentive structure so that professors don't attempt to perform Academic Fraud or we h ave to figure out if fraud does exist after the fact.

One possible way: increase funding to the arts and sciences. The total NSF budget was ~$8B, or 0.03% of US GDP. We could double that and no one would even notice. Increased funding means more money to go around, means higher acceptance rates for grants, means less incentive to write fraudulent papers.

The best part is, you have the power to actually change this. Write your congressperson, vote for a congressperson who pledges to do this, run for congress yourself, or organize other people to do this with you.

Increasing the budget doesn’t solve the problem. You would need to create a set of well funded auditors that have domain experience but the problem with that is no one would want the job.

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